ALERT: Kashmir – Demand international community intervene to end India’s occupation

, 09 Ağustos 2019 08:43

Write letters and emails to the Foreign Minister and MPs of your country urging them to condemn the unlawful actions of India in Kashmir.

ALERT: Kashmir – Demand international community intervene to end India’s occupation

ALERT: Kashmir – Demand international community intervene to end India’s occupation
Kashmir Security Patrol (2011), (c) La Priz, creative commons licence
Add your voice to the campaign to end Indian occupation of Kashmir.
1. Action Required
2. Summary
3. Background
4. Sample Letters and email addresses
1. Action Required
Write letters and emails to the Foreign Minister and MPs of your country urging them to condemn the unlawful actions of India in Kashmir.
2. Summary
IHRC are deeply concerned by the draconian and oppressive tactics of Indian forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir. The region is currently facing an unprecedented crackdown with a troop surge of 38,000 to join the pre-existing military presence of 700,000.  Internet is blocked and phone lines have been cut since the weekend (3-4 August), and prominent figures, including pro-India politicians have been held under house arrest.  A general curfew is in force.  Parts of the Indian Constitution (article 370) has ben revoked, now allowing Indians to buy land in Kashmir, a precursor many fear to mass demographic change engineered by the current Indian government.  Such a change constitutes a form of ethnic cleansing.
IHRC calls for the occupation of Kashmir to end, for India to withdraw all troops and stand by the 1947 UN call for a plebiscite of the people of Kashmir to determine their own political future.  Campaigners are requested to contact their Minister of Foreign Affairs and request they demand India to:
immediately ends its curfew;
withdraws all military presence (both its recent surge and its pre-existing military occupation);
help facilitate the UN plebiscite demanded since 1948, for the people of the region to decide their sovereignty.
3. Background
Since its occupation of part of Kashmir, India has had an atrocious human rights record in Kashmir, where forced disappearances, summary executions and rape are common practices.  Kashmir is one of the most militarised places on earth.  In the last few years, the Indian military has been accused of mass blindings with the use of pellet guns against civilians in the region.
Further background information is available on the IHRC Kashmir Campaign and Resources page.
4. Sample Letters
Sample letters are given below for your convenience. Please note that model letters can be sent directly or adjusted as necessary to include further details. If you receive a reply to the letter you send, we request you to send a copy of the letter you send and the reply you received, to IHRC on [email protected]. This is very important as it helps IHRC to monitor the situation with regards to our campaigns and to improve upon the current model letters and campaign.
a. Minister of foreign affairs in your country (UK campaigners can write to the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office using the details below)
[Your name]
[Your address]
Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP, 
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 
King Charles Street, 
SW1A 2AH, 
United Kingdom.
Dear Mr. Raab,
Re: the current increase of violations in Indian occupied Kashmir
Your office is aware of the current catastrophic actions of India in Kashmir.  This increase of violations requires swift action from the international community.  I request you contact the Indian government and demand it:
immediately ends its curfew;
withdraws all military presence (both its recent surge and its pre-existing military occupation);
helps facilitate the UN plebiscite demanded since 1948, for the people of the region to decide their sovereignty.
I look forward to hearing back from you regarding this urgent matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your signature]
[Your name]

, 09 Ağustos 2019 08:43

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